Saturday, 9 April 2011

The rapid rechassis project...

Keen readers of this blog may have noticed that blogging hasn't been so much light has non-existant of late. I've not had a lot of spare time or inclination if I'm honest...

However, a major Bitsa project is underway - a chassis swap in just over a week, commencing 15th April, through to 25th April. At the end of this, I should have a working Bitsa again, possibly even with a new coat of the trademark blue paint. For that week, I'll also be blogging progress as near live as possible...

Star of the show is the new chassis - an NOS combat SIII chassis, lovingly bought by the MOD in the 70's, and having sat round in storage most of the time since, it cost me £250, which is a bargain in chassis terms.

I've spent today painting it, ready for fitting. (The axle assembly fitted at the moment isn't from of Bitsa, it's a slave I borrowed to move the chassis on).

As it arrived...


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