Tuesday 21 July 2009

I've done so many jobs

...in the last week or so, I'm losing count.

I have:

Changed a set of rear springs, and reconditioned the set I fitted.
Painted the bonnet to match the rest of the truck. (Its way too shiney, but time will change that)
Unloaded the pile of junk that was in the back
Fixed the 4wd selection in the gearbox so it now isn't stuck in 4x4.
Fitted a servo brake MC
Adjusted all the brakes
Made the brake lights work again.
Fit a new cluch slave cylinder

I'm sure there are other things I've done, and the "todo" list is still miles long and growing.

Currently it includes:
Get a refund for the dud springs
Replace the Birtpart switch for the wipers that lasted all of a week
Change the steering relay
Drill a transmiton tunnel for my overdrive, and fit, and bolt the floor in propperly.
Paint the inside of the cab, and doors
Change the drivers doortop, as its shot.
Bolt the truckcab down propperly so it doesn't let in quite so much liquid sunshine.
Change the bottom bushes on the rear shocks. (I've a nasty feeling this will become fit new rear shocks, the've not been undone in a while, and its very hard to get them undone)
Fit a new flasher unit for the indicators
Fit a new fuel filter housing that doesn't have a diesel weep
Repair the bottom of the front panel.
Modify the clutch release so that its not right on the limit of the adjustment, and hence leaking clutch fluid. (Cable conversion? I'm sick of LR clutch hydralics, they always go wrong)
Replace the passenger side engine mount, and do them all up propperly.

Once I've done that little lot, I may actually be able to make a start on the work to get NOG re-tested.

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